July 4, 2024 9:17 PM

Wish: Disney’s new film lacks usual magic, critics say

From the moment the first princess in 1937 debuted on our screens, Disney knew it had created a winning formula, and almost 100

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Entertainment Europe

John Travolta recalls near-death experience in the sky

The London screening of a new Disney+ movie is already running late – but it isn’t John Travolta’s fault. The star of the

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Life Style Medical

How the fentanyl crisis’ fourth wave has hit every corner of the US

More Americans than ever are dying from fentanyl overdoses as the fourth wave of the opioid epidemic crashes through every community, in every

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Russian authorities crack down on abortion access amid demographic crisis

Russian authorities are limiting access to abortions in an attempt to confront the country’s longstanding demographic crisis. Measures include making it an offence

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Mumbai 26/11: The child who identified the Mumbai terror attacker

At just nine years old, Devika Rotawan survived the November 2008 Mumbai terror attacks. Shot in the leg, she later identified the lone

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Life Style Opinion

‘I thought climate change was a hoax. Now I’ve changed my mind’

Sarah Ott spent years believing climate change was a hoax, influenced by friends at church in the US south and a popular right-wing

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Life Style

‘Long colds’ are a thing, like long Covid say experts

“Long colds” can be a thing in the same way that “long Covid” is, with some people experiencing prolonged symptoms after an initial

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North Korea claims successful launch of spy satellite after prior failures

North Korea claims it has successfully put a military spy satellite into space, after two earlier attempts failed this year. It comes after

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Technology World

North Korea: Kim Jong Un celebrates ‘space power’ after spy satellite launch

North Korea’s leader Kim Jong Un has congratulated his team of scientists for launching a spy satellite, calling it a “new era of

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