July 7, 2024 2:01 PM
Defence Terrorism

Sydney terror plotters have sentences reduced on appeal

Two men who planned a terror attack targeting a mosque in Sydney‘s west will spend less time in prison following a successful appeal against their 20-year sentences. Omar Al-Kutobi and Mohammad Kiad pleaded guilty to doing acts in preparation for a terrorist act targeting a Shia mosque in Sydney’s west at Guildford. They were arrested

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Defence Terrorism

London police find and arrest fugitive terror suspect Daniel Khalife

Officers from London’s Metropolitan Police have found and arrested Daniel Khalife, the force announced on Saturday, marking the end of a three-day manhunt for the terror suspect who escaped from prison on Wednesday. Khalife was caught by a counter-terrorism officer who pulled the fugitive from a bicycle in the Chiswick area of west London, where

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Defence Terrorism

Russian Military Instructors Fighting Terrorism and Ensuring Security Across Africa

On the eve of the second Russia-Africa summit scheduled for July 27–28 in St. Petersburg, President Vladimir Putin explained in article published on his Kremlin website that Moscow would continue supporting strategic ways for establishing sustainable peace and political stability in conflict-ridden African countries. In fact the expected large-scale summit is held under under the

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Defence Terrorism

Instability in the Sahel Flames Terror Attacks in Benin

While many international observers have been focused on the war in Ukraine, Chinese aggression towards Taiwan, the violence in Sudan, or the recent coup in Niger, there has been an alarming increase of terror activity in the West African country of Benin that could pose additional security implications for the rest of the continent. On

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Defence Terrorism

The Psychological Impact of Terrorism on Victims and the Public: A Case Study of Pakistan

Terrorism is the use of violence and fear as a means of achieving political or ideological goals. It is a form of irregular warfare that is intended to destabilize governments, societies and economies. The main aim of terrorists is to attract widespread media attention and create an atmosphere of terror and insecurity. The methods used

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Defense Terrorism

How Al-Qaeda’s Recent Growth in Africa Poses a Threat to Global Security

Al Qaeda’s ideology is based on the belief that the West is at war with Islam, and  jihad is the only way to defend Muslims and their lands. The group has been weakened in recent years by military and intelligence operations, In 2022 a Leader of Al Qaeda Aiman Al zawahiri killed by American drone

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Defence Terrorism

China and Egypt’s efforts to classify Muslim Brotherhood as an international terrorist organization

Considering that I was and still is, until this moment, the Egyptian and Arab academic closest to the experts and centers of thought of political Islam in China during the period of the Arab Spring revolutions. From the events and to understand the nature of that stage from a different point of view, many may

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Defence Terrorism

ISIS in Afghanistan exists, but the threat is overestimated

After a serious study, the UN Security Council management institutes issued a report concerning the activities of the Islamic State-Khorasan, a unit of an international terrorist organization in Afghanistan. The UNSC stated that the group is still a significant danger to the stability of the country and the Central Asia region. Despite the solid research,

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Defence Terrorism

Moscow remembers horrendous terrorist attack in Beslan

On September 3, the Russian Federation is marking a memorable date, specifically, the Day of Solidarity in the Fight against Terrorism that became part of Russian legislation in 2005, a year after a horrendous terrorist attack in Beslan that killed over 300 Russian citizens, including children. This appalling terrorist atrocity was something unprecedented in terms

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Defence Terrorism

Al-Assad -Xi Jinping: Confronting Turkestan Islamic Party and its relations with ISIS

Perhaps after deep thought on my part about the other hidden reasons, in addition to the declared ones, about the reasons for Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad’s visit to China at this precise and sensitive time, I realized that the issue of the “Chinese terrorist Turkistan Islamic Party” and its extensions in Syria and its work

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