July 4, 2024 8:48 PM

Tanya Ivanova:“The art of self-translation: Capturing subtleties in my poetry across languages”

Brussels Observer:-Your career spans multiple disciplines including translation, literature, cultural studies, and art. How do you manage to balance these diverse interests, and which aspect of your work brings you the most satisfaction? Tanya Ivanova:I believe that these disciplines are not only related but also complementary. I want to make my work accessible to a

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A Nuclear attack by design — or by Accident — Must never happen

By Thalif Deen As two of the world’s nuclear powers—Russia and Israel—are engaged in two devastating conflicts, a lingering question remains: could the military tension looming over both countries trigger a nuclear attack either by design or by accident? “That is one scenario that must never happen”, warns Hirotsugu Terasaki, Director General of Peace and

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