July 7, 2024 2:49 PM

Police stop 110 drivers using their mobiles in Brussels

Police checks in the City of Brussels and Elsene resulted in 110 motorists being caught using their mobile phones while driving.  One driver even drove through a red light.

Police in the City of Brussels and Elsene needed only 3 hours to catch the 110 drivers yesterday morning.  Motorists came up with numerous excuses to explain their dangerous behaviour behind the wheel: some drivers needed to reply to work emails.  Others were obliged to follow their employer’s social media posts, while several drivers admitted they were hunting a bargain while shopping  online.  One driver was playing cards.

The police are keen to stress to motorists that mobile phone use is only tolerated when a hands-free kit is used.  “Otherwise it’s pretty dangerous” says the force.  “Both for drivers and other road users.  It simply can’t be justified”.

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