July 2, 2024 6:25 PM
Top News World

15 year of OCA Magazine: Navigating the Eurasian storm

For more than a decade, OCA Magazine has stood as a prominent voice in the realms of diplomacy and business. Serving as the sole English-language periodical dedicated to Central Asia and the CIS region, it has played a pivotal role in nurturing diplomatic relations and fostering global partnerships between Eurasia and the international community over the past 15 years.

With a diverse array of contributors ranging from state leaders and diplomats to academics and business professionals, OCA Magazine has consistently offered insightful perspectives on the region’s affairs. In commemorating its anniversary in 2024, the magazine is set to celebrate with a blend of innovative and traditional special editions, complemented by global events designed to unite its readership, contributors, and partners.

As part of the anniversary festivities, a special issue titled ‘OCA: Creative Industries & Tourism Expertise’ has been unveiled. This edition delves into top tourist experiences, contemporary projects, and the principal challenges confronting the creative economy in countries such as Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Belarus, among others. Authored by experts hailing from diverse nations such as the UK, Spain, and Russia, the articles cover various facets of tourism, including destinations, innovation, environmental sustainability, and the socio-economic and cultural impacts of tourism. The launch of this edition coincided with the OCA Zoom International Conference on ‘Sustainable Development of the Creative Economy: A New Model for Tourism in Central Asia.’

The conference convened a panel of tourism experts from Central Asia to deliberate on prevailing issues and trends in the field. Moderated by Marc David Miller, the panel featured distinguished speakers including Gulchekhra-begim Makhmudova, Artem Klykov, Irina Kharitonova, Gareth Stamp, and Gregory Schaefer, who offered valuable insights into the evolving landscape of tourism development amidst global transformations.

During the Zoom session, discussions centered around innovative prospects for Eurasian creative tourism. Ms. Makhmudova proposed the establishment of an edutainment park named SILKROADLAND and advocated for the production of engaging video content based on her children’s books exploring the legends of the Great Silk Road. She highlighted the potential for showcasing Central Asia’s rich and diverse culture through animation, suggesting collaborations with studios like Pixar to create animated features featuring iconic Central Asian figures such as Khodja Nasredin. Mr. Gregory Schaefer emphasized the importance of sustainable cultural tourism and its management, stressing the need to preserve cultural authenticity, promote eco-friendly practices, and explore culinary tourism.

Addressing the conference, Ms. Irina Kharitonova underscored the significance of developing the creative economy and associated industries, aiming to enhance understanding among stakeholders. Mr. Artem Klykov, a professor at Silk Road University and SWISS University, emphasized the pivotal role of human capital in fostering sustainable tourism and the creative economy, asserting that effective management of human resources is crucial for enhancing tourism competitiveness.

Amidst the conference’s business-oriented discussions, there was also a spirit of celebration. Marat Akhmedjanov, the founder of Silk Road Media (UK) and publisher of OCA Magazine, extended his congratulations on the magazine’s 15th anniversary and expressed gratitude to all participants for their warm wishes.

Looking ahead, the OCA Magazine community can anticipate several more special editions and related Zoom conferences later this year, including the upcoming 4th OCA Magazine: Education edition.

OCA magazine contributors and interviews (selected)


Editor in chief: Nick Rowan

Guest Editors: Stephen M. Bland, Gareth Stamp, Matthew Traver, Jack Hemsley 



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