July 7, 2024 2:05 PM

Police launch renewed appeal for witnesses and pictures of perpetrator of Brussels attack

Belgian federal police have again appealed for witnesses and video pictures in connection with the terrorist attack in Brussels last month, when two Swedish football fans were shot dead and a third was injured.

The police are seeking extra evidence against terrorist suspect Abdessalem Lassoued.

Police are eager to receive camera footage from e.g. smartphones, dashcams and doorbell cameras in the area around the IJzerplein, where the attack occurred but also of the South Station (Zuid/Midi) as well as Schaarbeek Station.  They are interested in footage taken on Monday 16 October and Tuesday 17 October, when the terrorist was shot in a café in Schaarbeek (Brussels).

People who encountered Abdessalem Lassoued that day or witnessed the attack and have not yet been interviewed are also asked to report to the police.

Witnesses or people with additional footage can file a report on the federal police website or call the toll-free number 0800/30.300. Witnesses abroad can ring +32 2/ 554.44.88.

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